Insider information from magazine chief

by Ismaeel Nakhuda - 2005
The editorial director of one of the UK’s leading publishing houses CMP Information gave the Department's MA Magazine Journalism students an interesting insight into the magazine industry and valuable tips on tackling job interviews.
Lindsay Cook, Editorial Director of CMP Information, is an experienced journalist who has previously worked on many UK newspapers before moving into magazines. She said: "There is a great value in having hardworking intelligent journalists who know what they do best."
Lindsay has previously held positions as Group Managing Editor of Express Newspapers, Business Editor of the Times and has worked on the Sheffield Star, Yorkshire Post and The Daily Telegraph.
Commenting on the differences between B2B and consumer magazines Lindsay said: "We try to help people, the magazines (B2B) have stronger links than consumer magazines and the circulation may be less but the connection is stronger.” Describing B2B readers as keen and informed, she said: “You mustn’t patronize your reader you need to entertain them."
Lindsay explained to students that climbing the professional ladder in the magazine sector is quicker than in newspapers. She said: "One of the people who joined the trainee graduate scheme and now three years later is a features editor."
Lindsay highlighted the positive aspects of joining the magazine sector and commented on the difficulties trainee journalists experience in newspapers in getting by-lines. She continued: "Political editors are the worse by-line bandits ever – you work hard but you don’t get the by-line, ever."
Lindsay also gave valuable information about the graduate training scheme provided by CMPi. She said: "We run a graduate training scheme and we welcome work experience. We take six graduates each September – preferably post graduate students or students from MA courses."
Training modules
Students were told how the training modules are made enjoyable and that journalist are encouraged to apply. Asked if applicants needed any specialist knowledge, say for the pharmaceutical industry, She said: "I am a life-long journalist. I believe journalists write better than pharmacists."
Presently CMPi employs writers of whom 70 percent are journalists. Lindsay says that the company hopes to ensure 95 percent of writers are journalists in five years’ time.
CMPi is offering six one-year graduate traineeships in September 2004. Candidates who have a post-graduate journalism qualification and have gained work experience with several print-related companies are welcome to apply. The six successful candidates will join the company to work across their weekly titles in September.
CMP Information is part of United Business Media PLC and operates in the UK, US, Asia and Europe. CMP produces magazines targeted at business professionals across a range of markets; including Building & Property, Healthcare, Entertainment, Travel, Agriculture, IT & Games and Print.
Amongst its well-established publications are Guitar Player, Building, Pulse, Travel Trade Gazette, Building Design, Property Week, Music Week, and Chemist & Druggist. CMPi’s magazines reach over 1.3 million readers directly through subscription; newsstand and controlled circulation, while over 250,000 business professionals and marketers visit its exhibitions each year. 2005